Friday, November 30, 2018

Green Life Solar Cooking System

Solar thermal cooking systems are efficient and hygienic for industrial/institutional canteens, religious places, community centers, etc. Volatile fuel costs and environmental concerns have compelled us to look for off-grid solar energy generation, which is cleaner and more sustainable.
Several organizations in India are successfully using solar thermal energy for cooking and industrial applications. Clique Solar, India’s first solar boiler company, recently installed an innovative solar cooking system at Akshardham temple in New Delhi.
Green Life solar boiler can assist in cooking food on a mass scale, occupying less space & providing an efficient output at the same time. As Green Life solar boiler can deliver temperatures as high as 300°C (thermic oil), it can be used in frying or baking chapatis, that require higher temperatures of around 250 °C

Green Life Dish Type Solar Cooker

It is a concentrating type parabolic dish solar cooker useful for homes & small establishments. A typical dish solar cooker has an aperture diameter of 1.4 meter and focal length 0.28 meter. The reflecting material used for fabrication of this cooker is anodized aluminum Sheet, which has a reflectivity of over 80%. The tracking of the cooker is manual and thus has to be adjusted in 15 to 20 minutes during cooking Time. It has a delivering power of about 0.6 KW which can boil 2 to 3 liters of water in half an hour. The temperature achieved at the bottom of the vessel could be around 350 to 400o C which is sufficient for roasting, frying and boiling. The cooker having a thermal efficiency of around 50% can meet the needs of around 15 people and can be used from one hour after sunrise to one hour before sunset on clear days. It can be easily dismantled and assembled by anybody and thus may be nicely packed and transported anywhere in the country. The cooker is user friendly as the place of vessel to be kept for cooking is at a level which is convenient for the people to use.

Fuel Savings:

The cooker can save up to 10 LPG cylinders/year on full use at small establishments. The cookers with imported reflectors having a reflectivity of over 90% will have a higher cost. This should include the cost of accessories like pressure cooker, cap, hand gloves & goggles, cooker manual, packing etc.


Around 20 years for metallic structure. Reflecting sheets may however, have to be replaced once in 5 years due to degradation in reflectivity.

Pay back:

1 ½ to 3 years depending on the extent of use & the place of utilization (for commercial establishments and large families the pay back period is less).
Solar Cooked food preserves most of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals increase the nutrition value while antioxidants protects from cancer. Boiling and steaming type food diet protects from most of the diseases as compared to frying, grilling and micro waving. Burning any fuel like cooking gas, kerosene, wood etc. releases gases like carbon-dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide. Intake of these gases for long duration is a cause of major respiratory diseases in housewives. Continuous inhaling of higher carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide promotes cancer. Solar cooked food is easily digestible. It gradually relieves stomach disorder, constipation, gastric trouble and acidity. Solar Cooking improves the taste of the food to a very large extent.

Green Life Solar Water Heater ETC Type

Green Life Solutions Introduces high efficient GREEN LIFE Solar Water Heaters for Domestic & Industrial applications, which is as per International Standards and made of high-density Borosilicate Tubes and coated (triple coating), which are vacuumed / air evacuated to prevent conduction and convection heat losses.
“A New Revolution with World-Class Technology”


System Dry Run Protection, System High-Pressure Protection, System Extreme High-Temperature Protection, System Evacuation Protection, Sacrificial Anode-of-Magnesium, Electrical Backup, Pressure Reducing Value, Air Relief Valve / Vent.
What’s…Vacuum Tube Collector type Solar Water Heaters works efficiently in cold climates or in 70 Deg. Hot water outlet applications? The construction of the collector tube is similar to a thermos flask, the piece in that it comprises of two borosilicate glass tubes, one sealed inside the other. The outside of the inner glass tube is coated with a solar selector surface (Al-N/Al) & the space between the two tubes is evacuated & maintained at a high vacuum. This Vacuum created inside the high strength borosilicate glass tube act as an insulator supporting heat loss & enhanced performance.
The use of 3.3 borosilicate glass makes this vacuum tube highly resistant to chemical & thermal shock
They are designed to suit hard water heating. There is no bonding of scales on a smooth surface of the glass tube. Cleaning of the collector is very easy.

Green Life Solar Water Heater FPC Type

There are two types of solar water heating systems, based on type of circulation;
1. Thermosyphon
2. Forced circulation
All domestic and industrial systems upto 4000 LPD (liters per day) @ 60 deg.C,; works on the principle of thermosyphon. Industrial systems beyond 4000 LPD to any capacity will work on forced circulation principle.

Thermosyphon system:

The system works on a principle called “THERMOSYPHON” (Natural circulation). Due to the density difference between the cold & hot Water, the lighter hot water flows up into the tank and the heavier cold water enters the collector.
Solar radiation incident on the collector panels heats the absorber. This heat is transferred to the water contained in the absorber & becomes less dense than the water in the storage tank. Hot water starts rising and settles at the top of the storage tank. Simultaneously cold water descends to the collector absorber tubes, gets heated up and the cycle repeats.
The circulation in the system during the heating process is purely due to the difference of density only. There is no other mechanical moving part, hence the system reliability is very high.
At the end of the day when radiation is zero (after dark/sun set), the collector will contain heavier cold water and the tank will have lighter hot water. This will ensure that there will be no circulation during the night & hence no conduction losses on account of this.
The hot water storage tank is well insulated to retain the hot water temperature and to minimize the overnight temperature drop/heat losses.
The Sacrificial Anode (Only for SS tank) prevents the tank from galvanic corrosion. For the monsoon / cloudy days the system is fitted with Electrical back up the heater with thermostat.

Forced circulation system:

In forced circulation systems, two pumps in tandem are used for circulation of water between collector bank & system insulated tank. The pump operation is controlled by OTC (Differential Temperature Controller), which is fitted Inside the Control panel. OTC senses the cold & hot water temperature through two sensors, one fitted at the bottom of the tank to sense cold water temperature & the other fitted at the top of the last collector of the row in the collector bank, to sense the hot water temperature inside the collector
The difference in temperature between the two sensor points is the criteria for the operation of the pump that is controlled through DTC. This temperature difference can be set between 0 to 10 deg, C.
Solar radiation falling on the collector heats up the water inside the absorber. The temperature of the water starts gradually increasing compared to the water temperature inside the tank. When this temperature difference between the sensor points reaches the preset temperature difference in DTC, the pump is switched “ON”. This will result in the entry of cold-water form the system-insulated tank into the collector bank & discharge of hot water from the collector bank to the system insulated tank.
The sensor fitted at the collector will sense the temperature of cold water entering into the collector & puts “OFF” the pump when this temperature difference between the sensor points falls below the preset temperature difference in DTC.
The process of switching ON & QFF of the pump & circulation of water continues till the end of the day. By the end of the day, the entire quantity of water in the tank reaches the system-designed temperature, provided the radiation level is at a minimum of 800 watts per

Solar Ongrid

When the rays of the sun fall on solar modules placed on the rooftop of houses, commercial building or industries, the individual cells inside the module help convert sunlight into DC electricity. However, most appliances in our homework on AC electricity, and therefore the modules are connected to an inverter which does this conversion. Once the conversion has happened, the output of the inverter which is AC electricity is connected to the mains of your home to allow you to use solar energy.
It is important to note that you can use electricity from your rooftop solar power plant in conjunction with the electricity sourced from your MSEB. This kind of arrangement is very common and one that solar installers are expert at managing. However, if you want to go with a system that is backed by a battery to help you use solar at night time, you must go for a hybrid or an off-grid system. What exactly is that? That brings us to the next section, which is what are the different kinds of solar systems that you can opt for: